Thursday, 8 January 2009

4th January 2009 Report

The late posting for this week is due to our internet connection being down for 3 days.

Total 85 bird species seen and 8 heard plus 19 reptile/mammal species. There was 145mm of rain for the week on 6 rain days.

Bird highlights were 3 Pied Imperial Pigeon sitting in a Queensland Blue Gum Eucalyptus tereticornis calling, previously only a single bird was seen at intervals over the last couple of months. This is the most we have seen in the area. Pale-vented Bush-hen have been calling around the lodge with at least four pairs, one pair was seen crossing Mt. Kooyong Road and going into the rainforest of the lodge grounds. New Years Day Red-tailed Black-Cockatoos were heard flying over, all sightings of this species have been at this time of year. Normally they are out in the dry country from the southern Tablelands up towards Mt. Carbine. The Sooty Owl has been calling most of the week usually late at night or early morning before going to roost. On the evening of 2nd January it was seen flying over and landing high up in Queensland Blue Gum Eucalyptus tereticornis. Unfortunately most of our guests were down the road enjoying a meal at the Highlander Restaurant and missed out. At least four Masked Owls were present in GeraghtyPark on one night.The Australian Owlet-nightjar reported previously moved to another roosting place in Geraghty Park and was seen on several occasions peering out of it’s hollow early in the morning. Little Kingfisher was reported to be along Bushy Creek by the Mt. Kooyong Road bridge by one of our guests.

Little Kingfisher

The Buff-breasted Paradise Kingfishers have not started breeding yet only digging out their nest chambers and displaying.

The wet weather again fired up the frogs with Eastern Sedgefrog Litoria fallax, Stony-creek Frog Litoria jungguy, White-lipped Treefrog Litoria Infrafrenata, Naked Treefrog Litoria rubela, Dainty Green Tree Frog Litoria gracilenta, Striped Marshfrog Limnodynastes peronii, Mottled Barred-Frog Mixophyes coggeri and Cane Toad Bufo marinus being recorded.

Stony-creek Frog

Also spotlighted was a Brown Tree Snake (Night Tiger) and Amethystine Python plus Green Ringtail and Striped Possum.

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