Sunday, 11 January 2009

11th January 2009 Report

Sighting numbers were down this week due to the wet weather which produced 136mm (5½ inches) of rain. There was 63 bird sighting plus a further 7 heard; mammals and reptiles were 14 species seen. The bird highlight of the week was spotlighting a roosting Black Bittern high up in a tree beside Bushy Creek and of the reptiles it was a 2½m Slaty Grey snake which we only see occasionally.

The frogs were again busy calling throughout the week including this Graceful Treefrog Litoria gracilenta which took up residence in a small wet season pond.

Graceful Treefrog Litoria gracilenta

The Noisy Pitta has taken up calling again and was seen briefly flying into the rainforest. Topknot Pigeons had not been seen for a week but are still around and a group of 4 was seen feeding high up on some fruit in the lodge grounds. The Yellow-spotted Honeyeater chicks we were recording dissapeared presumed predated, Spangled Drongo are feeding chicks and several pairs of Spectacled Monarch are sitting on nests. A newly fledged Spotted Catbird was flapping aroung on the ground in the orchard with its anxious parents following it and chasing off Laughing Kookaburras.

Fungus - Filoboletus manipularis

The wet weather has bought out many species of fungi including this Filoboletus manipularis
which is found on rotting wood in rainforests of NSW, QLD and South-East Asia.

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