Monday, 27 October 2008

26th October Report

A fine week with cool (cool for here 15ยบ C) overnight temperatures and fine but a bit windy on a couple of days. A total of 69 bird species were seen for the week with a further 7 heard, 12 mammal and reptile species were seen.

Highlights for the week were the 1st Fan-tail Cuckoo (20th), this is an uncommon visitor to the lodge, 1st Cicadabird (22nd) 11 days later than last year and the 1st Dollarbird (24th) for the season seen in the lodge grounds. No sign of the Buff-breasted Paradise Kingfishers who could turn up any day now from Papua New Guinea (they had not arrived in Iron Range further north on Cape York Peninsula during the week) .

(Lesser) Sooty Owl has been calling throughout the week and was seen once high in a eucalypt tree. The two resident pairs of Noisy Pittas are still calling and being seen regularly as are several pairs of Yellow-breasted Boatbill. The Pale-yellow Robin nest mentioned in last weeks blog is still hanging precariously over Bushy Creek and has not been occupied yet and a Large-billed Scrubwren is sitting in a nest 0.5m off the ground. Two adult Spotted Catbirds with two recently fledged young are terrorising the other birds and spending a lot of time on the ground.

Spotted Catbird

Locally a Fairy Gerygone is building a nest and Green Pygmy Geese have been on a nearby private swamp.

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