came and went and now it is another year, hope 2012 is good for
weeks rainfall was 63mm falling on the last three days of the
week, 47mm fell in one period.
temperatures were slightly up on last week, getting up to 33.0ºc
which is about as hot as it gets here, the minimum was down to 21.1ºc, slightly higher than last week.
Humidity ranged from a low of 64% to a high of 95%.
were more birds recorded this week than last with 99 seen and 10
heard. 19 mammal and reptile species were seen. The weeks bird list
is on the Eremaea
Birds website and morning walk lists can also be found at this
link on Eremaea
This weeks highlight has
to be a possible Black-winged Monarch, which was first seen on 26th
December but not confirmed. Our friend Kath was first alerted by the
call, which to us was very difficult to separate from Black-faced
Monarch but Kath has had more experience with the Black-winged
Monarch than us and thought there was a subtle difference from
Black-faced. Sound recordings were taken and an analysis of the
sonogram might note any difference in the two calls.
following day in the early morning the monarch was found again and
after some persistence a few images were taken in the gloom of the
rainforest. This resulted in some noisy pictures. The black around
the face did not extend over the eye and onto the forehead, the
overall grey of the upper body was a lighter grey than typical
Black-faced and there was a definite contrast in the wing between the
blackish primaries and the grey wing coverts. There have been a few
records on the Atherton Tableland including ones at nearby Abattoir
Swamp and earlier this year one at Mt. Lewis on the lower slopes. The
Black-winged Monarch normally has a distribution on Cape York as far
south as Shiptons Flat (90km north of Julatten) but in recent years
they have been very rare here. The most reliable location for the
southern distribution is now McIvor River which is about 165km north
of Julatten. So it is very exciting to see this bird, if confirmed,
so far south of its "normal" range. At the moment it looks like this bird is actually a Black-faced Monarch, a young adult in moult.
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Monarch (?) |
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Monarch (?) |
Pale-vented Bush-hen have been heard in several places and were seen at long last by one of our guests Matthew, he saw one along Mt. Kooyong Road not long after he had seen Red-necked Crake at the Crake Pool – he gets the guest of the week title for seeing two of the most sought after and difficult birds to find around the Lodge.
two reported Cotton Pygmy-goose continue to be on a lagoon along
McDougall Road along with a single Green Pygmy-goose, 20+ Hardhead,
Australasian Grebe and three Comb-crested Jacana. Another lagoon
along the same road had 50+ Magpie Geese, Wandering Whistling-Duck, a
male Australian Darter in breeding plumage and a Black-fronted
Dotterel. A few Emerald Dove continue to be around the lodge grounds
and a Superb Fruit-Dove was seen flying over one afternoon. A single
Pied Imperial Pigeon was perched at the top of a Blue Quondong tree
along with two Topknot Pigeon who seem to be moving on from our area
as sightings are becoming rarer each week.
Our female Papuan Frogmouth was seen roosting near its previous roost tree on the edge of the orchard on one occasion during the day and once at night also on the edge of the orchard. Australian Owlet-nightjar was seen in Geraghty Park perched on the railing around the oval when it was pouring down with rain one night. Eastern Great Egret was at the nearby Barramundi Farm along with Intermediate Egret and a flock of Pacific Black Duck. Raptors are again in short supply this week with only single sightings of Whistling Kite, Brahminy Kite and Brown Falcon. At the end of the week on Saturday morning a pair of Pacific Baza flew over the orchard calling before doing a U turn and flying over the units, first reported sighting in five weeks. Red-necked Crake has been see several times making their way through the rainforest and “Katie” the Buff-banded Rail returned once more during the week before disappearing again. Two Bush Stone-curlew were running around the Geraghty Park oval whilst we were watching the Australian Owlet-nightjar in the rain.
A few Scaly-breasted Lorikeet were around after being absent for a few weeks. Double-eyed Fig-Parrot were heard but not seen and a search of the area failed to find any fruiting figs. A male Pheasant Coucal was climbing up a Macadamia tree on the edge of the Lodge grounds before flying off in a big loop over the adjacent cane paddock, it actually maintained altitude before disappearing into the edge of the rainforest. Don't think we have ever seen a Coucal fly so far without loosing altitude! At least two Channel-billed Cuckoo were around as were Brush Cuckoo. (Lesser) Sooty Owl was in the area but again heard only most nights. One Buff-breasted Paradise-Kingfisher has been seen coming out of a nest in their termite mound but three others checked had no sign of birds, most are sitting calling above their mounds. Forest Kingfisher have also been seen coming out of their termite mounds as well as displaying. Dollarbird was another species seen at a nest, it was feeding chicks in a tree hollow. The second pair of Noisy Pitta have been more successful than the first pair with an adult seen feeding a juvenile bird in the orchard whilst another was calling in the rainforest.
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Pied Imperial Pigeon |
Our female Papuan Frogmouth was seen roosting near its previous roost tree on the edge of the orchard on one occasion during the day and once at night also on the edge of the orchard. Australian Owlet-nightjar was seen in Geraghty Park perched on the railing around the oval when it was pouring down with rain one night. Eastern Great Egret was at the nearby Barramundi Farm along with Intermediate Egret and a flock of Pacific Black Duck. Raptors are again in short supply this week with only single sightings of Whistling Kite, Brahminy Kite and Brown Falcon. At the end of the week on Saturday morning a pair of Pacific Baza flew over the orchard calling before doing a U turn and flying over the units, first reported sighting in five weeks. Red-necked Crake has been see several times making their way through the rainforest and “Katie” the Buff-banded Rail returned once more during the week before disappearing again. Two Bush Stone-curlew were running around the Geraghty Park oval whilst we were watching the Australian Owlet-nightjar in the rain.
A few Scaly-breasted Lorikeet were around after being absent for a few weeks. Double-eyed Fig-Parrot were heard but not seen and a search of the area failed to find any fruiting figs. A male Pheasant Coucal was climbing up a Macadamia tree on the edge of the Lodge grounds before flying off in a big loop over the adjacent cane paddock, it actually maintained altitude before disappearing into the edge of the rainforest. Don't think we have ever seen a Coucal fly so far without loosing altitude! At least two Channel-billed Cuckoo were around as were Brush Cuckoo. (Lesser) Sooty Owl was in the area but again heard only most nights. One Buff-breasted Paradise-Kingfisher has been seen coming out of a nest in their termite mound but three others checked had no sign of birds, most are sitting calling above their mounds. Forest Kingfisher have also been seen coming out of their termite mounds as well as displaying. Dollarbird was another species seen at a nest, it was feeding chicks in a tree hollow. The second pair of Noisy Pitta have been more successful than the first pair with an adult seen feeding a juvenile bird in the orchard whilst another was calling in the rainforest.
Meanwhile the first unsuccessful pair are continuing to build another nest and calling a lot. Spotted Catbird are still trying to keep the population of the smaller birds down as they skulk through the rainforest but are being chased off by the smaller birds. Honeyeaters have been a bit quiet this week with only nine species seen but both Graceful and Macleay's have returned to the juice feeders. A pair of Brown-backed Honeyeater have started to build their third nest this season in Geraghty Park. One male Cicadabird was seen flying over the Lodge grounds but Barred Cuckoo-shrike were only heard. The Willie Wagtail nesting in Geraghty Park were feeding chicks at the beginning of the week and nearby in the same tree a pair of Magpie-lark were building their mud nest. A male Leaden Flycatcher has been very vocal around the camping area, no sign of any females. Lemon-bellied Flycatcher was at Geraghty Park early in the week and then promptly disappeared for the rest of it. Olive-backed Sunbird have started to use the second nest constructed around our neighbours house but there was also a juvenile being fed at the same time, not sure whether there is one or two pairs present or maybe one male with two females! Australian Pipit was again seen at the Barramundi Farm.
had a trip up to Mt. Lewis just after Christmas to check out the
Blue-faced Parrot-Finch at the 10km “clearing”, we were not
disappointed as at least 12 birds were present.
The area the birds are in is on Brooklyn Station owned by the Australian Wildlife Conservatory. The manager here conducted a controlled burn in the area back in October to allow new grass growth to occur. Old dead matted grass was smothering the area inhibiting new growth. The area now has a dense new growth of grass which is attracting the finches, not only the Blue-faces but Chestnut-breasted Mannikin and Red-browed Finch as well.
Atherton Scrubwren were foraging in several places
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Blue-faced Parrot-Finch |
The area the birds are in is on Brooklyn Station owned by the Australian Wildlife Conservatory. The manager here conducted a controlled burn in the area back in October to allow new grass growth to occur. Old dead matted grass was smothering the area inhibiting new growth. The area now has a dense new growth of grass which is attracting the finches, not only the Blue-faces but Chestnut-breasted Mannikin and Red-browed Finch as well.
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Chestnut-breasted Mannikin |
Atherton Scrubwren were foraging in several places
were Fernwren, Tooth-billed Bowerbird, Bower's Shrike-thrush and the
dark montane form of Grey Fantail - race Keasti.
the rainforest adjacent to one of the many creeks which tumble off
Mt. Lewis we found two species of Damselfly, Giant Rockmaster
Diphlebia hybrioides and Tropical
Flatwing Austroargiolestes aureus both new species to us.
More information can be found on the Wildiaries
site. Dragonflies/Damselflies have much more imaginative names than birds!
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Giant Rockmaster |
Tropical Flatwing
Also along the road was this unidentified snail which has a soft shell and was crossing the road at a snails pace!
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Snail sp. |
In the area of the Damselflies was this Robber Fly (?),
so many interesting animals and plants to check out in this spectacular part of Australia only 35 minutes away from the Lodge.
Reptiles and Mammals:-
wet weather restricted spotlighting this week but we still saw 19
mammals and reptiles. Our neighbours heard an Eastern Tube-nosed Bat
flying over making its distinctive whistling sound. Giant
White-tailed Rat has been around the feeder along with Northern Brown
Bandicoot and Bush Rat. A few frogs ventured out into the rain
including lots of the very small Northern Dwarf Tree Frog. Boyd's
Forest Dragon continue to perform for the guests and Eastern Water
Dragon were along Bushy Creek. An Amethystine Python was again in the
orchard, this time during the day but it soon took refuge in the
buttress roots of a rainforest tree.
Interesting Sightings:
case you are not fed up with seeing fungi every week we have a few
more to show you. Never ceases to amaze us the variety, must run out
of photos soon! We can't find he first one in any of our fungi books, the closest we can get is Scutellinia scutelata.
fruit of a Syzygium wilsonii ssp.Cryptophlebium was hanging from a tree in front of the units.
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