A drier week with 3 rain free days and only 56.5mm of rain. Birding was a bit better than the last few weeks with 69 species seen and a further 6 heard plus there was 12 reptile/mammal sightings. Highlights for the week were the five remaining Buff-breasted Paradise-Kingfisher nests with chicks all fledged during the week, the other nest had fledged 2 weeks ago.
Two adult and immature Papuan Frogmouth seen roosting together in the orchard, this is the first time we have seen the family group together since the immature bird fledged in December. The previous day the Male was roosting on the edge of the campground and the female and immature birds were in the orchard at least 300m away. One of our guests was lucky to watch a Red-necked Crake bathing and preening for 15 minutes at the edge of our seasonal pond near the orchard before seeing a Noisy Pitta foraging nearby. The Sooty Owl called during the week and one night there were two calling, something we have not heard for a very long time. A juvenile Brown Falcon was perching on a fence post in the adjacent cane field and a Pale-vented Bush-hen was seen foraging along Mt. Kooyong Road opposite the campground. Channel-billed, Little and Brush Cuckoos continued to call throughout the week.
A Brown Tree Snake (Night Tiger) spent a day curled up on a palm frond just outside the reception area and was harassed by birds all day, the snake took no notice of the commotion going on around it. Several Boyd’s Forest Dragon’s were actively seen hunting and a few Major Skinks have started to appear after several months absence.
Further afield a newly fledged Australian Bustard was seen with it’s parents along East Mary Road at Maryfarm’s near Mt. Carbine.
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